YouTube上的#测量大咖视频博客为您的测量任务提供了有用的提示和技巧。我们还将分享出色的成功案例,展示创新的技术和解决方案,让您保持领先地位。 订阅我们的YouTube频道和#测量大咖播放列表,您就可以看到我们的最新视频,并有机会与世界各地的计量专家进行交流。加入#测量大咖社区!

Jay Elepano
Sales Development Manager – ZEISS Medical Industry Solutions – North America at ZEISS in Minneapolis, USA
“I’ve been active in the quality assurance industry for over 20 years, and my passion for metrology grows with each day. I have met many interesting people and have seen so many clever processes but what excites me most is that our solutions constantly help innovation in the world and also help the world become more sustainable. I mean, we only have one world, right?“

Ana Mayr Adam
Product Manager ZEISS CALYPSO at ZEISS in Oberkochen, Germany
“In the #measuringhero forum, topics related to ZEISS CALYPSO are the ones most often discussed. This shows the importance in practical use. ZEISS CALYPSO has many functions, simple evaluations and is very user-friendly. You only measure as good as the influences allow you to. Keep user and environmental influences as low as possible.”